Known bugs in version 1.2 of Building Blocks ============================================= Thanks to everyone for reporting these bugs to me. My plan is to keep a stable version for the duration of this term (so, for example, the page numbers don't keep changing) and then make a new version over winter break. This file includes only easily-explained problems that are definitely errors. I also welcome comments on other issues (e.g. higher-level organization, need for extra examples) that may not fit well into an errata file. -- Margaret Fleck ( ================================================================ Chapter 4, p. 48, last sentence in section 4.1: "notation" should be "notion" Chapter 4, p. 48, first paragraph in section 4.12: the text refers several times to "numbers." In this context, numbers would always be integers and it would have been more helpful to say "integers." Chapter 5, p. 57, second paragraph: "The complement ... is all the objects that aren't in A." Better phrasing would have been "The complement ... CONTAINS all the objects that aren't in A." Chapter 5, p. 66, third line from the top: "so" should be capitalized and the period after "suppose that" should be removed. Chapter 6, p. 73, definition of linear order. "x >= y or y >= x" probably should have used R or a curly >=, rather than a regular numerical >= sign. Chapter 6, p. 71, start of section 6.4: in the definition of transitive, the word "if" seems to have been set in math mode, so it's in italics and the spacing is strange. Chapter 10, p. 117, second paragraph: "A graph is bipartite if and only if its chromatic number is 2." This should be "... if and only if it is 2-colorable (i.e. its chromatic number is 1 or 2)." Chapter 10, p. 117, third paragraph: "ihe" for "the" Chapter 10, p. 119, proof in section 10.5. The claim says "12p + 9q" but the proof is for "15p + 9q". The difference between 12 and 15 happens to make very little difference in this case, but the two should be consistent with one another. Chapter 13, p. 147, last line: "number" should be "numbers" Chapter 13, p. 155: the example grammar should have more space between items on the righthand side of certain rules. So S --> NP VP VP --> V NP | V NP NP NP --> Det N Chapter 14, p. 173: in the proof at the top of the page, x^3 should be replaced by x^2 in several places Chapter 15, p. 175: the footnote is at the bottom of the next page, due to some clumsy choice by the formatter. Chapter 17, p. 197, last paragraph: "|S|+a files" should be "at least |S|+1 files" Chapter 18, page 207, the very last formula before section 18.7 begins says (24 * 23 * 22 * 21) / (4 * 3 * 3) but the bottom portion is supposed to be (4 * 3 * 2) Chapter 20, p. 220, second-to-last paragraph: "End states can be called end states" should read "End states can be called final states" Chapter 20, p. 224, 4th line of first paragraph and first line of second paragraph mention a set that looks like the natural numbers with a strange symbol for the exponent. The exponent is supposed to be 2, i.e. this is the set of pairs of natural numbers. Chapter 20, p. 224, 4th line of first paragraph and first line of second paragraph mention a set that looks like the natural numbers with a strange symbol for the exponent. The exponent is supposed to be 2, i.e. this is the set of pairs of natural numbers. Chapter 20, p. 224, 2nd line of second paragraph. f_2(n,m) should be 2^n3^m (not 2^n3^n). Chapter 20, p. 224, 5th line of 3rd paragraph: jthe should be jth. Chapter 20, p. 225, 4th and 5th lines of first paragraph: same odd exponent issue as on p. 224. Again, the exponent is supposed to be 2. Chapter 21, p. 240, end of second paragraph: "5 colors" should be "6 colors" ================================================================