Known bugs in this version of Building Blocks ============================================= Thanks to everyone for reporting these bugs to me. My plan is to keep a stable version for the duration of this term (so, for example, the page numbers don't keep changing) and then make a new version with these bugs fixed. This file includes only easily-explained errors, such as typos. I also welcome comments on higher-level issues (e.g. topic X needs more examples, notation should be changed on topic Y) but I keep separate notes on these. Chapter 2 p. 12 e.g e.g. p. 19, near the bottom: "expresses express" p. 25: "X and Y, but not both". Something's not clear about the wording. What I meant to say is that a phrase like "but not both" can be used to indicate that an "or" is meant to be read as exclusive. Chapter 3 p. 32, middle of the proof of claim 6: (k+1) should be (k+1)^2. Chapter 5 p. 55 halfway down: 18 is a typo for 28 in the list of multiples of 7 p. 66, several places in the draft proof there is an unused variable D. Also, the last version of the proof should probably be labelled "proof" not "proof draft." Chapter 6 p. 71 near top: in the negation of reflexive, "y" is a typo for "x" Chapter 8 p. 99: the proof uses variables x and y. So in the paragraph following the proof, "s and t" should have been "x and y." Chapter 9 p. 108, first paragraph. The edge lists for the two cycles are messed up. A sample length-4 cycle in that graph would be ab, bd, dc, ca. And a second might be db, ba, ac, cd. Chapter 13 p. 165, first paragraph of 13.6, duplicated <= Chapter 12 p. 146, first line: "one or more parent links" should be "zero or more parent links." (The following sentence does already say that a node is an ancestor of itself.) p. 152, "So the sum of everything in the tree is n log n + cn, which is the same closed form we found earlier for this recursive definition." See p. 137 for the earlier derivation. Chapter 14 p. 174, pseudo-code line 03 near the top: "(p+1)^2) - n" has an extra parenthesis. It should be "(p+1)^2 - n". Chapter 15 p. 187 third paragraph: "This is pronounced 'n choose r'" should be 'n choose k' p. 187 last line: "with no 3 or fewer" should be "with 3 or fewer" Chapter 17 p. 207, fifth line from the bottom: "not only is P(N) larger than P(N)" should be "not only is P(N) larger than N" p. 207, third line from the bottom: extra parenthesis